Siblings come in almost as many varieties as gourmet coffee. Some are half, whole or step (skim). Some are calm (decaf) while others are an extra shot of espresso. Some are even mocha, caramel or white mocha.
Siblings are an anomaly. The first child is like a shock to the system and then sometime between screaming infancy and screaming toddlerhood, the parent believes it is possible to live through it one more time. Oh boy!
The new baby gets mixed reviews from the existing child. One minute big brother is holding the baby's bottle and the next, he's trying to drive his racecar through her head. He goes through the phase where he hates her for stealing mommy, and then he decides she's not so bad.
At some point through all of this (hopefully), we sneak glances of secret adoration. A hug or a kiss. A tickle and a giggle. Then one morning when baby wakes up she yells, "Bubby!"
You think, hey, this isn't so bad, I could do this again. Then you put down baby and she screams for the five whole minutes it took you to get her breakfast and you remember. Kids are crazy.
But kids are awesome! Especially when you teach them the best sibling catch phrase ever spoken by a toddler: He not heaby, he a brudder!
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