You ever get depressed? Happened to me. Like when I was a kid. I'm on medication though, so I'm better.
Then some of my friends who are, if you can believe it, bigger hippies that I am started talking about how they got off antidepressants after like seventeen years. I was like, WTF? You can do that? I'm gonna do that!!! Because, you guys know, I can
So, after much research on Dr. Google and talking to my therapist who by the way was not so much with the on board thing, I decided I can do it!
Except that then I discovered the true depth of my disease and decided, eh, maybe not.
And it's a good thing too because then shit got real. Like really real. I sort of lost my shit. So, that's not happening. I'm working on it. It's a journey, but I've definitely decided that those antidepressants sure do look nice.