
The nudist colony at 107

People have been wearing clothes since Adam and Eve ate the dumb apple. Aside from the mass amounts of laundry it produces, I am a fan of wearing clothes. It has turned into a way for us to express ourselves and to portray who we are while still covering your butt (in most cases at least). My daughter seems to greatly disagree. Emphatically even.

At any given time, there will be a naked baby running around my house. As we speak, she's on my lap making this post three things: 1. difficult to type, 2. way too realistic, and 3. a little creepy.

I don't understand the need to be nude that she has. I'm not sure if it's innate, learned or she just thinks pants are for losers. She likes to pick out clothes, likes to dress up, likes to be "Pretty Emmie", but only sometimes.

Its not usually a problem... until we have a playdate. With a boy. (Oh boy.) But for now, I'm just going to say it's her telling me she needs to start potty training. (it's how mommies play pretend.) At least there will be one less person's laundry to wash.

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