
I hate trends

I hate trends. They're stupid. This stuff really wasn't cool when it came around the first time, it's definitely not cool now, guy with nut hugging skinny jeans holding hands with the girl with the collared, sleeveless, button-down shirt in a dumb print that ties at the bottom. It's extra long at the buttony part just so you can tie it. Anyone else have one of these damn things?

It was terrible. I always ended up wearing mine with those stirrup leggings. You know, the ones that have the big ole elastic strap for under your foot. That's the reason we ladies of my certain age seem to fear the stirrups on the table at the lady doctor. It's not because their gonna shove a mag lite and a garden shovel up there, it's some mad Vietnam-style flashbacks of those pants. And they're not fooling anybody. We all know you have sock suspender thingies built into your pants. We can see them.

Not. Fooling. Anyone.
But back to trends, there's one I'm really looking forward to. I've noticed the trend for trends is moving closer and closer to GRUNGE!!! I could rock the hell outta that! All my pants already have holes in them and I didn't have to pay extra for distressing! I still have a closet full of crappy t-shirts, and have you been to a thrift shop? Flannel ahoy!

I've actually seen it peeking out of the celebrosphere.

Soon it will filter down to us peasants and I will be BADASS! YEAH! Who says moms can't be cool? I already sometimes forget to bathe. It would be no problem for me to stop brushing my hair. And Nirvana is cool. I'm there.

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