
Dear God! The lactation of farm animals!!!

So... this evening, the hoods wanted chocolate milk. Fifteen minutes and a lot of whining later, I got up and made it. Then it was amazing! Dudes, chocolate milk. Like whoa.

That brought on a few problems. Yeah, I have problems with chocolate milk. I might be Communist.


Anyway, we used to be vegan for like a year or two and in the process, I got really snooty about milk. Things like milk is an unnecessary part of a daily diet. And, you wouldn't go suckle a cow would you? Or even, that cross-species and that's wrong. Plus, have you ever breast fed? Ouch. Imagine that for. ev. er.

But the more pressing issue is umm... well... it's something I share with the fictional and awesome Dr. Leonard Hofstadter.

It gives me a tummy ache... It's not cool. Though there was a perfectly timed fart aimed at the kid when she asked what was wrong. I said, chocolate milk makes me fart. She said it makes you fart? I farted. You just can't ask for much more than that out of the universe can you? A glass of chocolate milk and a well timed fart... Paradise.

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