
The economy hits you right where it hurts... the tooth (fairy).

This morning, I heard the funniest story ever. Seriously, it is, I can't make this stuff up funny. I actually had to make sure it was true.

This little girl I know from the boy's kindergarten class got a dollar when she lost her first tooth. That's the going rate at my house, but this little girl doesn't live at my house. So, this six year old little girl looks at her dad, and says, "A dollar? The tooth fairy's a broke bitch." Swear. That's what he said she said. No foolin'. So he just looks at her and is like, "We're in a recession." I'm shaking my head because at this point, it's already the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. But wait, there's more. When she lost her next tooth, the "Tooth Fairy" left her a fiver. She goes up to her dad and says, "She's getting better. Are we still in a recession?" Er. Mah. Gerd.

Through all of this, I'm thinking about the boy's experiences with the tooth fairy. The first time, she forgot... But she left a really nice note and a dollar the next day. And not just any dollar, a gold dollar coin because the boy was convinced that the tooth fairy brought gold coins. We may have been in a pirate phase. Regardless, it was an excuse for me to run around yelling, "Dubloons!"

When I was a kid, though, my grandma worked at a bank. My mom decided to capitalize on this by giving me foreign currency to perpetuate the whole tooth fairy travels the world nonsense. But what I wanted to know what what the eff was I supposed to do with two dollars from ARGENTINA?!?!?! All my friends are getting cold hard American currency and I'm over there like, I could buy a newspaper if I were in Argentina... I'm pretty sure I also scored some defunct German currency. So, if anybody's got a time machine and aspirations for world travel, I have some money you can use to buy a local paper.

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